As a group we conducted a questionnaire that we would hand out to people of 16+ helped us inquire into what genre we should create our opening sequence of. From the results we gathered that people enjoy watching Thriller films and films that cause them to get an adrenaline rush. The results are as follow:
This is a pie chart looking at who completed our
questionnaire and their favourite genre of films.
It came to conclude that thriller films came on top and this gives
us a clear indication as a group that we should base
our film around the thriller genre and conventions of the genre. |
From this pie chart about 'fear factor' we can conclude
that our audience get more scared from seeing and watching
real life scenarios and adrenaline rushes.
This helps us by suggesting conventions and elements
to have in our opening sequence. |
This pie chart looks at 'What do you look for in a good film'
Strong storyline was the one that came out on top which suggests
that we should ensure that we have a very strong storyline that can grab
and and entice the audience. Good acting was the second most
important thing which indicates that we need to make sure we have
strong actors with confidence and that can own the stage. |
Silence of the Lambs proved to be a popular film amongst our
Psycho-Thriller lovers and we as a group can look into this film
and analyse the conventions of the film and use those on our opening
sequence. |
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